Paging Doctor T

Love The Way You Live


Category: Health

Can this test save your life?

Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and the world. It results in heart attacks, angina, congestive heart failure, and even sudden death. Unfortunately, coronary artery disease usually cannot be diagnosed by a doctor Read more…

How to Prevent Heart Disease

The new guidelines on prevention of cardiovascular disease sum up other published guidelines and make new recommendations regarding aspirin.

What is a Heart Attack?

Paging Doctor T – There is a lot of confusion over the terms heart attack, cardiac arrest, and myocardial infarction. The media often incorrectly reports these events. I will explain these terms here.

What is a stroke?

Stroke is one of the most devastating forms of cardiovascular disease. It is the fifth most common cause of death in the United States and the second worldwide. It is a major cause of disability. Strokes can leave people paralyzed, Read more…

Colon Cancer Screening

Cardiology is my specialty, but I love anything related to disease prevention. As an adult cardiologist in the United States, most of the disease that I see is preventable. We have a lot of sayings like “a stitch in time Read more…

Do you have too much fat?

Excess fat is consistently associated with higher rates of disease and death in most populations. How do you know whether you have too much fat, and how much? There are multiple ways to measure body fat, with different pros and Read more…

ARB Recalls

I was recently asked to speak on the radio about the recent recalls of blood pressure medications. This is the link to the podcast, but we were limited on time, so I thought I would write more about it here. Read more…

Basics of diabetes, prediabetes, and blood sugar

Glucose is a form of sugar, which all the cells in your body need to function. Insulin is a hormone that tells cells to take up glucose from the bloodstream. The pancreas is an organ in your abdomen that produces Read more…

Life Saving Calculators

My patients often worry, “Am I going to have a heart attack?” or “Could I have a stroke?” The answers to these questions are very important because they guide how physicians treat patients. Medical science cannot definitively give us answers Read more…

Understanding The New Cholesterol Guidelines

The new cholesterol guidelines are here! This is a big deal for a heart disease prevention nerd such as myself because blood cholesterol is one of the primary drivers of heart attacks and strokes. If you haven’t already, take a Read more…

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